Environmental Justice, Commission on

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Bridget Drea

Contact Title

Assistant to the Director, Illinois EPA

Contact Phone



The principle of environmental justice requires that no segment of the population, regardless of race, national origin, age, or income, should bear disproportionately high or adverse effects of environmental pollution. The Commission shall: (1) advise State entities on environmental justice and related community issues (2) review and analyze the impact of current State laws and policies on the issue of environmental justice and sustainable communities (3) assess the adequacy of State and local laws to address the issue of environmental justice and sustainable communities (4) develop criteria to assess whether communities in the State may be experiencing environmental justice issues (5) recommend options to the Governor for addressing issues, concerns, or problems related to environmental justice that surface after reviewing State laws and policies, including prioritizing areas of the State that need immediate attention. The Environmental Protection Agency shall provide administrative and other support to the Commission.


Of the initial members of the Commission appointed by the Governor, 5 shall serve for a 2-year term and 5 shall serve for a 1-year term, as designated by the Governor at the time of appointment.The members appointed by the Governor for terms beginning before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly shall serve 2-year terms. Members appointed by the Governor for terms beginning on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly shall serve 4-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as appointments.

Senate Confirmation


Party Affiliation



(please see composition)




The Commission on Environmental Justice is established and consists of the following 24 voting members: - 2 members of the Senate, one appointed by the President of the Senate and the other by the Minority Leader of the Senate, each to serve at the pleasure of the appointing officer - 2 members of the House of Representatives, one appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the other by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, each to serve at the pleasure of the appointing officer - The following ex officio members: a representative of the housing office of the Department of Human Services, the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or his or her designee, the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency or his or her designee, the Director of Natural Resources or his or her designee, the Director of Public Health or his or her designee, and the Director of Transportation or his or her designee - 14 members appointed by the Governor who represent the following interests: (i) 4 members of affected communities concerned with environmental justice (ii) at least 2 members business organizations (including one member representing a statewide organization representing manufacturers and one member representing an organization representing the energy sector); (iii) environmental organizations (iv) experts on environmental health and environmental justice (v) units of local government (vi) members of the general public who have an interest or expertise in environmental justice. (vi) at least 2 members of labor organizations (including one member from a statewide labor federation representing more than one international union and one member from an organization representing workers in the energy sector).


Designated by the Governor


415 ILCS 155/10

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Osman, Omer Statute Ex-Officio, Director of Transportation
Vohra, Sameer Statute Ex-Officio, Director, Public Health
Phelps Finnie, Natalie Statute Ex-Officio, Director, DNR
Richards, Kristin Statute Ex-Officio, Director, DCEO
Harris, Tonyisha 09/25/2026 02/26/2021 Governor Member, environmental organization Cook
VACANT House Minority Leader
Johnson, Cheryl 09/25/2023 10/12/2012 Governor Member, affected communities concerned with environmental justice Cook
Vacant 09/25/2020 Governor Member, environmental organizations Cook
du Buclet, Kimberly 10/16/2023 Speaker of the House Member
Sharma, Ashish 09/25/2026 03/15/2024 Governor Member, experts on environmental health and environmental justice DuPage
Norris, Gregory 09/25/2019 04/20/2018 Governor Member, public Cook
Kim, John Statute Ex-Officio, Director of EPA
Armstrong, Andrew 09/25/2027 02/09/2024 Governor Member, expert on environmental justice Sangamon
Villanueva, Sen. Celina 01/08/2025 04/22/2022 Senate President Member
Wasserman, Kimberly 09/25/2023 10/12/2012 Governor Chair, affected communities concerned with environmental justice Cook
Vacant 09/25/2019 Governor Member, business organization
Vacant Senate Minority Leader Member
Favela, Rolando 09/25/2027 03/29/2024 Governor Member, public Cook
Jordan, Marcus Anthony 09/25/2026 02/16/2024 Governor Member, labor organization Lake
Griffith, Donovan 09/25/2026 03/20/2018 Governor Member, business organization Sangamon
Quintero, Dulce Secretary, Department of Human Services
Ortiz, Dulce 09/25/2026 11/30/2020 Governor Member, of affected communities concerned with environmental justice Lake
Young-Wilson, Victoria 09/25/2026 06/30/2021 Governor Member, of affected communities concerned with environmental justice Cook
Hampton, Chynna S. 09/25/2028 03/22/2024 Governor Member, labor organization Cook