Groundwater Advisory Council

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Rick Cobb

Contact Phone


Contact E-Mail


The Council makes recommendations relating to groundwater protection laws, regulations, and research; reviews data collection and analyses.


3 years.

Senate Confirmation



Expenses - limited to 3 meetings per calendar year.


9 appointed by Governor - 2 representing environmental interests - 2 representing industrial and commercial interests - 1 representing public water supplies - 1 representing agricultural interests - 1 representing water well driller industry - 1 representing local government interests - 1 representing regional planning agency


Elected by board


415 ILCS 55/5

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Rios, Monica 01/01/2024 04/08/2021 Governor Member, Industrial/Commercial Interests Rock Island
Weibel, C. Pius 01/01/2015 10/22/2010 Governor Member, Environmental Interests Champaign
VACANT Governor Member, Regional Planning Agency
Liberg, John D. 01/01/2015 01/01/1997 Governor Member, Water Well Industry Jo Daviess
Cheek, Amelia Gooding 01/01/2027 12/06/2024 Governor Member, Agricultural Interests Kankakee
Elvert, Robert 01/01/2015 12/04/2013 Governor Member, Industrial and Commercial Cook
Compton, William 01/01/2015 01/01/1996 Governor Chair, public water supplies Peoria
VACANT 01/01/2024 Governor Member, Environmental Interests
VACANT Governor Member, Local Government Interests