West Cook Railroad Relocation And Development Authority

Board and Commission Details


The Authority’s objectives are as follows: the relocation of the railroad tracks and 25th avenue, the grade separation of railroads from the right of way and at-grade crossing closures within the Village of Bellwood, and the Village of Melrose Park, the grade separation of railroads from the right-of-way and at grade crossing in the First Avenue vicinity between Lake Street, Oak Street, the Des Plaines River, and Fifth Avenue, and the establishment of a transit-oriented intersurface modal development facility in the project area.


3 years, if expired terms are not replace within 60 days, the member is automatically reappointed for another three year term.

Senate Confirmation


Party Affiliation



Not specified


Reimbursed for expenses


7 members appointed by the Governor -2 selected from list of 3 provided by Bellwood Village President -2 selected from list of 3 provided by Melrose Park Village President -2 selected from list of 3 provided by Maywood Village President -1 at-large member


Chairman is elected by the Authority. Chair should rotate annually and shall represent the Village of Bellwood, the Village of Melrose Park, and the Governor’s at-large appointment, respectively, for each of the 3 years of the term of office.


70 ILCS 1920/10

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
VACANT Governor Member, Bellwood Cook
Scardino, Sam 01/05/2006 12/01/2004 Governor Member, At-Large Cook
McCluskey, Beth 12/13/2016 11/20/2015 Governor Member, Melrose Park Cook
VACANT Governor Member, Melrose Park Cook
Pasquale, Frank 10/25/2005 12/01/2004 Governor Chair, Bellwood Cook
Sicuro, Michael 08/31/2021 08/31/2018 Governor Member, Maywood Cook
VACANT Governor Member, Maywood Cook