Municipal Water and Wastewater Funding Study Committee

Board and Commission Details

Meeting Information

​The Committee shall meet at the call of the chair

Contact Title

Gary Bingenheimer

Contact E-Mail


The Committee shall study and make recommendations concerning any needed modifications to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Illinois Pollution Control Board regulations and policies as they relate to municipal water and wastewater funding to ensure that the State's revolving loan fund programs account for and prioritize the following principles, to the fullest extent allowed by federal law

Senate Confirmation



(1) The Governor, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chairperson; (2) The Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, or his or her designee; (3) The Executive Director of the Illinois Finance Authority, or his or her designee; (4) One member appointed by the President of the Senate; (5) One member appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; (6) One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (7) One member appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; (8) Members appointed by the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as follows: (A) one member who is a representative of a publicly owned publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population of 25,000 or less; (B) one member who is a representative of a publicly owned publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population over 25,000 people to 125,000 people; (C) one member who is a representative of a publicly owned publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population over 125,000 people; (D) one member who is a representative of a statewide organization representing wastewater agencies; and (E) one member who is a representative of a statewide organization representing drinking water agencies.


65 ILCS 5/8-4-27

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Brady-Davis, Precious 03/01/2024 Governor Chair Governor or designee Cook
Vacant Statute Member Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, or his or her designee
Vacant Senate President Member Member
Soucie, William "Bill" 08/10/2022 Minority Leader of the Senate Member Member
Swisher, Allison Speaker of the House of Representives Member Member
Todd LaFountain 07/08/2022 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives Member Member
Vacant Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Member Representative of a publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population of 25,000 or less
Vacant Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Member Representative of a publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population over 25,000 people to 125,000 people
Vacant Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Member Representative of a publicly-owned drinking water or wastewater utility with a service population over 125,000 people
Vacant Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Member Representative of a statewide organization representing wastewater agencies
Vacant Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Member Representative of a statewide organization representing drinking water agencies
Vacant Statute Member Executive Director of the Illinois Finance Authority, or his or her designee