West Side Expanded Mental Health Services Program and Governing Commission

Board and Commission Details


The Governing Commission shall maintain the expanded mental health services fund for the purposes of paying the costs of administering the Program and carrying out its duties under this Act, subject to the limitations and procedures set forth in this Act.


Of the Governor's initial appointments, 2 shall be for 3 years, one for 2 years, and 2 for one year; and of the Mayor's initial appointments, one shall be for 3 years, 2 for 2 years, and one for one year. Then, 3 years or until successor is appointed.

Senate Confirmation



No fewer than 7 commissioners serving at one time shall reside within the territory of the Program.




Five Commissioners appointed by the Governor -- 4 commissioners from a list of nominees supplied by a community organization or community organizations as defined in this Act; these 4 commissioners shall reside in the territory of the Program. -- 1 shall be a mental health professional and one shall be a mental health consumer residing in the territory of the Program. Four appointed by the Mayor of the municipality -- 3 commissioners from a list of nominees supplied by a community organization or community organizations as defined in this Act; these 3 commissioners shall reside in the territory of the Program. -- one shall be a mental health professional and one shall be a mental health consumer residing in the territory of the Program.


405 ILCS 22/15

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Nuby, Melanie R. 02/01/2027 06/28/2024 Governor Member Cook
Oda-Gray, Janice 02/01/2027 02/01/2017 Governor Member Cook
Byrd, Michelle 02/01/2026 02/01/2017 Governor Member Cook
Wright, Zashandra 02/01/2026 02/01/2017 Governor Member Cook
Jones-Watson, Robin 02/01/2025 02/01/2017 Governor Member Cook
Evans, Barbara J. 02/01/2026 Mayor Member
Brown, Jamil 02/01/2026 Mayor
Vacant Mayor Member
Brown, Derek 02/01/2025 Mayor Member