Agriculture Equity Commission

Board and Commission Details

Meeting Information

The Commission shall meet on a quarterly basis, or more often if necessary.

Contact Name

Tyler Bohannon

Contact Phone

(217) 785-5485

Contact E-Mail


To ensure equity in the State's top job producing industry by recognizing the loss to African American farmers and growers and the difficulties other minorities have faced in the agriculture industry and the effect those difficulties have on the food system, health, and economy of vulnerable communities

Senate Confirmation





(1) eight members appointed one each by the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, President of the Senate, Minority Leader of the Senate, the House of Representatives Agriculture Chair, the Black Caucus Joint Chair, and the Latino Caucus Chair; (2) one member of the Latino Caucus; (3) one member of the Black Caucus; (4) the Director of Agriculture, or his or her designee; (5) the Director of Public Health, or his or her designee; (6) a representative of an agribusiness or small farmer private enterprise, appointed by the Governor; (7) two representatives of nonprofit community based organizations located in a disproportionately impacted area or food desert whose primary mission is helping minorities in the agriculture field and increasing healthy food access, appointed by the Governor; (8) one representative of a nonprofit statewide organization dedicated to policy to improve the conditions for socially disadvantaged farmers, appointed by the Governor; (9) one representative of a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is environmental justice and Increasing healthy food access for minority populations, appointed by the Governor; (10) six socially disadvantaged farmers or agribusiness owners from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability, appointed by the Governor; (11) one person with a background and work experience in journalism, public relations community outreach, and agriculture, appointed by the Governor; (12) one representative of a nonprofit organization that trains new farmers through apprenticeship programs and increases healthy food access, appointed by the Governor; (13) one attorney or legal expert in property law, appointed by the Governor; (14) one representative of a Fortune 500 agribusiness or a business with a significant presence in agriculture that is headquartered or has offices in the State of Illinois, appointed by the Governor; (15) one representative of an organization dedicated to economic and business development for minorities; and (16) one agriculture teacher or instructor, or a person from an organization dedicated to agricultural education for minorities and underserved communities, appointed by the Governor.


Public Act 102-0973

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Echols, Bryan 01/27/2023 Governor Member Member Cook
Harper, Rep. Sonya 06/15/2022 Speaker of the House of Representatives Member Member
Meier, Rep. Charlie 07/18/2022 Minority Leader of the House of Representaives Member Member
Mussman, Keith Minority Leader of the Senate Member Member
Turner, Sen. Doris 01/08/2025 08/31/2023 Senate President Member Member
Greenwood, Latoya 10/10/2023 House of Representatives Agriculture Chair Member Member
Vacant Black Caucus Joint Chair Member Member
Vacant Latino Caucus Chair Member Member
Vacant Statute Member of the Latino Caucus Member
Vacant Statute Member of the Black Caucus Member
Howard, Dakarai Statute Director of Agriculture, or his or her designee Member
Vacant Statute Director of Public Health or his or her designee Member
Nesbary-Moore, Alicia 01/31/2023 Governor Representative of an agribusiness or small farmer private enterprise Member Cook
Allen, Erika 01/27/2023 Governor Representative of nonprofit community based organizations located in a disproportionately impacted area or food desert whose primary mission is helping minorities in the agriculture field and increasing healthy food access Member Cook
Sims, Selma A. 12/20/2024 Governor Representative of nonprofit community based organizations located in a disproportionately impacted area or food desert whose primary mission is helping minorities in the agriculture field and increasing healthy food access Member Cook
Cooley, Rodger 03/24/2023 Governor Representative of a nonprofit statewide organization dedicated to policy to improve the conditions for socially disadvantaged farmers Member Cook
Wright-Carter, Jifunza 01/27/2023 Governor Representative of a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is environmental justice and increasing healthy food access for minority populations Member Kankakee
Lisser, Krista Nicole 01/23/2023 Governor Person with a background and work experience in journalism, public relations community outreach, and agriculture Member Sangamon
St. John, Janelle 01/31/2023 Governor Representative of a nonprofit organization that trains new farmers through apprenticeship programs and increases healthy food access Member Cook
Clouse, Emma 01/23/2023 Governor Attorney or legal expert in property law Member Cook
Webb, Gregory 01/27/2023 Governor Representative of a Fortune 500 agribusiness or a business with a significant presence in agriculture that is headquartered or has offices in the State of Illinois Member Sangamon
Moore, Denise 01/27/2023 Governor Representative of an organization dedicated to economic and business development for minorities Member Peoria
Funk, Amy 01/31/2023 Governor Agriculture teacher or instructor, or a person from an organization dedicated to agricultural education for minorities and underserved communities Member St. Clair
Diaz, Andre 01/27/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Peoria
Ivy, Evera 01/27/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Kankakee
Mays, Chastity 01/23/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Jackson
Kimura, Rachel Nami 05/05/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Cook
Itaagi, Nyabweza 07/07/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Cook
Leon, Lucia 03/31/2023 Governor Socially disadvantaged farmer or agribusiness owner from various areas of the State, including minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with a disability Member Cook