Workforce Innovation Board, Illinois

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Lisa Jones

Contact Comments

Office of Employment and Training, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity 500 East Monroe Street, 9th Floor, Springfield, IL 62701 FAX: 217.557.5506


The Board will develop a 4-year strategic workforce plan for the state, advise the Governor on workforce development policy and guide the state’s implementation of the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).


Two years

Senate Confirmation


Party Affiliation



Members of the Board that represent organizations, agencies, or other entities must be individuals with optimum policymaking authority within the organization, agency, or entity. Members must represent diverse regions of the State, including urban, rural, and suburban areas.


Reimbursed for expenses


Membership shall include: (A) the Governor; (B) two members appointed by the Speaker of the House and two members appointed by the Senate President; and (C) members appointed by the Governor, of which -(i) a majority shall be representatives of businesses in the State, who - (I) are owners of businesses, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policymaking or hiring authority, (II) represent businesses (including small businesses), or organizations representing businesses that provide employment opportunities that, at a minimum, include high-quality, work-relevant training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the State; and (III) are appointed from among individuals nominated by State business organizations and business trade associations; (ii) not less than 20 percent shall be representatives of the workforce within the State, who-(I) shall include representatives of labor organizations, who have been nominated by State labor federations; (II) shall include a representative, who shall be a member of a labor organization or a training director, from a joint labor-management apprenticeship program, or if no such joint program exists in the State, such a representative of an apprenticeship program in the State; (III) may include representatives of community -based organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of individuals with barriers to employment, including organizations that serve veterans or that provide or support competitive, integrated employment for individuals with disabilities; and (IV) may include representatives of organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of eligible youth, including representatives of organizations that serve out-of-school youth; and (iii) the balance - (I) shall include representatives of government, who - (aa) shall include the lead State officials with primary responsibility for the core programs; and (bb) shall include chief elected officials (collectively representing both cities and counties, where appropriate); and (II) may include such other representatives and officials as the Governor may designate, such as - (aa) the State agency officials from agencies that are required one-stop partners (including additional one-stop partners whose programs are covered by the State plan, if any); (bb) State agency officials responsible for economic development or juvenile justice programs in the State; (cc) individuals who represent an Indian tribe or tribal organization and (dd) State agency officials responsible for education programs in the State, including chief executive officers of community colleges and other institutions of higher education. According to the Board's By-laws, a representative of the Illinois Workforce Partnership may serve in an Ex-Officio, non-voting capacity along with other representatives of the State's education, workforce development and economic development systems.


The Governor shall select a chairperson for the Board


20 ILCS 3975

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Mwilambwe, Mboka 07/01/2024 05/15/2023 Governor Member, Chief City Elected Official McLean
Serota, Daniel 07/01/2025 04/04/2023 Governor Member, Business Lake
Wojick, Lisa Burns 07/01/2024 08/04/2023 Governor Member, Workforce St. Clair
Perry, Michael 07/01/2018 03/21/2005 Governor Member, Labor Cook
Emmrich, Kaili 07/01/2024 04/03/2023 Governor Member, Business Cook
Galindo, Luis 07/01/2025 12/08/2023 Governor Member, Business DuPage
Wilkerson, Terry 07/01/2018 03/08/2013 Governor Member, Workforce Hamilton
VACANT Governor Member, Labor
Irvine, Kevin 07/01/2025 06/12/2023 Governor Member, Business Cook
Toppin, Christopher W. 07/01/2025 05/12/2023 Governor Member, Business DuPage
Lo, William 07/01/2025 09/11/2023 Governor Member, Business Williamson
Huss, Kara Demirjian 07/01/2025 05/12/2023 Governor Member, Business Macon
VACANT Senate President Member
Evans Jr., Rep. Marcus C. 11/04/2019 Speaker of the House Member
Morris, Sheryl Curtis 07/01/2025 05/30/2023 Governor Member, Labor Cook
Durham, Dr. Brian Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member - Other representative such as institutions of higher education Executive Director, Illinois Community College Board
Sanders, Tony Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member Superintendent, Illinois State Board of Education
Wright (Giudici), Jessica 07/01/2025 07/28/2023 Governor Member, Business Kane
VACANT Governor Member, Youth
Purcell, Alexander 07/01/2026 06/05/2023 Governor Member, Business DuPage
Caves, Christine Louise 07/01/2025 07/24/2023 Governor Member, Business Rock Island
Garcia, Karina 07/01/2025 10/02/2023 Governor Member, Business Kane
Nain, Sandeep 07/01/2017 12/15/2011 Governor Member, Business DuPage
McClinton, Marlon 07/01/2026 04/27/2015 Governor Member, Business Cook
VACANT Senate President Member
Hammond, Norine 05/05/2016 Speaker of the House Member Emeritus McDonough
Lefaver, Stephen James 07/01/2025 05/12/2023 Governor Member, Workforce Kendall
Vellinga, Jayne 07/01/2026 05/30/2023 Governor Member, Workforce Cook
Dickson, Victor 07/01/2024 05/02/2016 Governor Member, Workforce Cook
Patrick, Rahnee Voting Member; Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Richards, Kristin Voting Member, Title I - Workforce Development Activities Director, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Co-Chair
Foster, Jennifer Voting Member, Title II Adult Education Representative
VACANT Governor Member, Youth
Dorsey, Donna 07/01/2025 07/07/2023 Governor Member, Business Lake
Warrington, Andrew 07/01/2026 08/01/2016 Governor Member, Business Co-Chair Lake
VACANT Governor Member, Business
Thompson, Whitney Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member- Other representative such as institutions of higher education , Post-Secondary Carl V. Perkins (CTE) Representative
Stuck. Elizabeth E. 07/01/2025 10/02/2023 Governor Member, Workforce Cook
Ostro, Ginger Ex-Officio; Non-Voting Member - Other representative such as institutions of higher education Executive Director, Illinois Board of Higher Education
Portlock, Caroline Ex-Officio; Non-Voting Member - Other representatives of CBOs that demonstrate expertise in workforce development. President of the Illinois Workforce Partnership
Marchiori, Ray Voting Member; Title III Wagner-Peyser Employment Services Director, Illinois Department of Employment Security
Quintero, Dulce Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member - Any other representatives and State agency officials Acting Secretary, Department of Human Services
Aranda-Suh, Elba 07/01/2017 Governor Member, Workforce Cook
Harkness, Alaina Jean 07/01/2025 08/25/2023 Governor Member Cook
Flanagan, Jane 07/01/2025 08/11/2023 Governor Voting member Any other representatives and State agency officials Cook
Pritzker, JB Statute Member Governor