Blue-Ribbon Commission on Transportation Infrastructure Funding and Policy

Board and Commission Details

Meeting Information

The Commission shall hold its first meeting within 2 months from the effective date of this Act. The Commission may conduct meetings at such places and at suchtimes as it may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise fully and effectively its powers, perform its duties, and accomplish its objectives and purposes.

Contact Name

Holly Bieneman

Contact Title

Director of the Office of Planning and Programming

Contact E-Mail


The Commission shall evaluate Illinois' existing transportation infrastructure funding and policy processes and develop alternative solutions.

Senate Confirmation



Members shall have expertise, knowledge, or experience in transportation infrastructure development, construction, workforce, or policy.


(1) Four members of the House of Representatives, with 2 to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and 2 to be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. (2) Four members of the Senate, with 2 to be appointed by the President of the Senate and 2 to be appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate. (3) Eight members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. (4) The chair of the Commission to be appointed by the Governor from among his 8 appointments. Members shall also represent a diverse set of sectors, including the labor, engineering, construction, transit, active transportation, rail, air, or other sectors, and shall include participants of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. No more than 2 appointees shall be members of the same sector. Members shall represent geographically diverse regions of the State.


Public Act 102-0988

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Kelly, Rep. Michael 07/13/2022 Speaker of the House of Representatives Member
Evans, Jr., Rep. Marcus 07/13/2022 Speaker of the House of Representatives Member
Davidsmeyer, Rep. C.D. 07/25/2022 Minority Leader of the House of Representaitves Member
Spain, Ryan 01/24/2024 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives Member
Villivalam, Sen. Ram 06/07/2022 President of the Senate Member
Murphy, Sen. Laura 06/07/2022 President of the Senate Member
Fowler, Sen. Dale Minority Leader of the Senate Member
DeWitte, Sen. Don Minority Leader of the Senate Member
Osman, Omer 09/30/2022 Governor Chair Cook
Kotarac, Thomas 10/03/2022 Governor Member
Brown, Romayne 10/03/2022 Governor Member
Grimshaw, Jacquelyne D. 11/28/2022 Governor Member
Poulos, Marc 01/18/2023 Governor Member DuPage
Love, Duana 01/18/2023 Governor Member Cook
Calderon, Laura 01/31/2023 Governor Member
Chin, Eileen 08/18/2023 Governor Member Cook