Independent Tax Tribunal, Illinois

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Judge James Conway

Contact Title

Chief Administrative Law Judge


The State shall provide an independent administrative tribunal with tax expertise to resolve tax disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers prior to requiring the taxpayer to pay the amounts in issue. The Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal shall provide administrative hearings in all tax matters except those matters reserved to the Department of Revenue or another entity by statute, and shall render decisions and orders relating to matters under its jurisdiction. A Tax Tribunal administrative hearing shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the Tribunal protesting a tax determination made by the Department of Revenue.


The Chief serves a 5 year term. Additional ALJs initially have staggered terms of no more than 4 years, then 4 years after that. May serve until successor is appointed.

Senate Confirmation



Each administrative law judge of the Tax Tribunal shall be a citizen of the United States and, during the period of his or her service, a resident of this State. No person may be appointed as an administrative law judge unless, at the time of the appointment, the individual has been licensed to practice law in Illinois for a minimum of 8 years and has substantial knowledge of State tax laws and the making of a record in a tax case suitable for judicial review. An administrative law judge shall not engage in any other gainful employment or business, nor hold another office or position of profit in a government of this State, any other State, or the United States. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, an administrative law judge may own passive interests in business entities and may earn income from incidental teaching, publishing, or scholarly activities.


Each administrative law judge of the Tax Tribunal, including the Chief Administrative Law Judge, shall receive an annual salary equal to that of the Director of the Department of Revenue. The Chief receives extra $15,000 stipend.


The Governor shall, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint a Chief Administrative Law Judge to be the executive of the Tax Tribunal. The Governor may appoint additional administrative law judges, with the advice and consent of the Senate, as necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, provided that no more than 4 administrative law judges, including the Chief Administrative Law Judge, shall serve at the same time. All are eligible for reappointment.


35 ILCS 1010/1-25

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Barov, Brian 01/02/2026 04/27/2015 Governor Administrative Law Judge Cook
Conway, James Martin 02/13/2029 11/18/2015 Governor Chief Administrative Law Judge Cook
VACANT Governor Administrative Law Judge
VACANT Governor Administrative Law Judge