African American Family Commission

Board and Commission Details


The purpose of the Illinois African-American Family Commission is to advise the Governor and General Assembly, as well as work directly with State agencies, to improve and expand existing policies, services, programs, and opportunities for African-American families. The Illinois African-American Family Commission shall guide the efforts of and collaborate with State agencies, including: the Department on Aging, the Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Employment Security, and others. This shall be achieved primarily by: to improve and expand existing human services and educational and community development programs for African-Americans. This will be achieved by: (1) Monitoring and commenting on existing and proposed legislation and programs designed to address the needs of African-Americans in Illinois; (2) Assisting State agencies in developing programs, services, public policies, and research strategies that will expand and enhance the social and economic well-being of African-American children and families; and (3) Facilitating the participation of and representation of African-Americans in the development, implementation, and planning of policies, programs, and community-based services; and . (4) Promoting research efforts to document the impact of policies and programs on African-American families.


3 years, except for initial appointments. Initially, 5 serve 1 year, 5 serve 2 years, and 5 serve 3 years.

Senate Confirmation



Members shall have working knowledge of human services, community development, and economic public policies. The members shall reflect regional representation to ensure that the needs of African-American families and children throughout Illinois are met. They shall be representative of public and private agencies, the business sector, and community-based human services organizations.




15 members appointed by the Governor 14 ex officio members representing the following agencies: Department of Aging; Department of Corrections; Department of Children and Family Services; Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; Department of Human Services; Department of Health and Family Services; Department of Public Health; Department of Transportation; State Board of Education; Board of Higher Education; Capital Development Board; Community College Board; Department of Human Rights and Department of Labor For those seats on the Commission with terms that expire in 2015, and for subsequent appointments to those seats, the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint one member to the Commission. For those seats on the Commission with terms that expire in 2016, and for subsequent appointments to those seats, the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall each appoint one member to the Commission. For those seats on the Commission with terms that expire in 2017, and for subsequent appointments to those seats, the Governor shall appoint 5 members to the Commission


Appointed by the Governor


20 ILCS 3903/10

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
VACANT 01/06/2018 Senate President Member Cook
Killough, Mary 09/26/2024 Statute Director of the Department of Aging Ex-Officio
VACANT Statute Representative of DOC Ex-Officio
Crump, Rochelle 09/17/2008 Statute Representative of DCFS Ex-Officio
QuiƱones, Tito 01/22/2025 Statute Representative of DCEO Ex-Officio
Jones, Carol Humphries Statute Representative of DHS Ex-Officio
Lones, Kehonna 08/29/2023 Statute Representative of DHFS Ex-Officio
Amaal Tokars Statute Director of the Department of Public Health Ex-Officio
Moore, Norma 06/21/2022 ISBE Representative of ISBE Ex-Officio
VACANT 01/06/2016 House Minority Leader Member
Davis, Naomi 10/13/2015 Speaker of the House Member Cook
VACANT Statute Representative of IDOT Ex-Officio
Warren, Eddie 01/06/2017 03/26/2013 Governor Member Adams
Mosby, Wendell 01/06/2018 06/19/2015 Governor Chairman, Member Cook
Avery, Patricia 01/06/2017 01/24/2014 Governor Member Champaign
Onque, Scott 01/06/2017 06/30/2014 Governor Member Cook
Jackson, Nancy 10/13/2015 Speaker of the House Member Cook
VACANT 01/06/2016 Senate President Member Cook
Dew, Donald 01/06/2017 10/03/2014 Governor Member Cook
VACANT 01/06/2016 Governor Member
VACANT 01/06/2016 Senate Minority Leader Member
Lee, Kerris 01/06/2018 09/28/2015 House Minority Leader Member Champaign
Turner, Travis 10/01/2015 Senate Minority Leader Member Boone
Thomas, Beverly J. 01/06/2017 03/26/2013 Governor Member Peoria
Foster, Jennifer 10/01/2021 Ex-Officio Representative of ICCB Member