Illinois Purchased Care Review Board

Board and Commission Details


The Review Board shall establish rules and regulations for its determination of allowable costs and payments made by local school districts for special education, room and board, and other related services provided by non-public schools or special education facilities and shall establish uniform standards and criteria which it shall follow. The Review Board shall approve the usual and customary rate or rates of a special education program that (i) is offered by an out-of-state, non-public provider of integrated autism specific educational and autism specific residential services, (ii) offers 2 or more levels of residential care, including at least one locked facility, and (iii) serves 12 or fewer Illinois students.


Not specified

Senate Confirmation



Not specified


The Illinois Purchased Care Review Board shall consist of the following persons, or their designees: the Directors of Children and Family Services, Public Health, Public Aid, and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget; the Secretary of Human Services; the State Superintendent of Education; and such other persons as the Governor may designate. The Review Board shall also consist of one non-voting member who is an administrator of a private, nonpublic, special education school.


105 ILCS 5/14-7.02

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Vacant Statute Member Director, Department of Children and Family Services, or designee
Vacant Statute Member Director, Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or designee
Vacant Statute Member Director, Department of Public Health, or designee
Vacant Statute Member Director, Governor's Office of Management and Budget, or designee
Vacant Statute Member Secretary, Department of Human Services, or designee
Vacant Statute Member State Superintendent of the Board of Education, or designee
Vacant Non-Voting Member 1 non-voting member who is an administrator of a private, nonpublic, special education school