Local Food, Farms, and Jobs Council

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Kendra Schilling

Contact Title

Illinois Department of Agriculture

Contact E-Mail



To facilitate the growth of Illinois local farm and food product economy. They are to assist state agencies, local farmers, and food entrepreneurs; build infrastructure; support and expand programs that educate farmers; coordinate inter agency policies; eliminate legal barriers that hinder farmers; work towards using public land for growing local farm and food products; to set annual goals for purchase of local products; to develop a label certification program; and to initiate and facilitate public awareness programs about the economic benefits of puchasing local products.


3 years staggered

Senate Confirmation





The council shall consist of 35 members: One representative from each: -Department of Agriculture -Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity -Department of Public Health -Department of Human Services, office of Health and Prevention -Department of Human Services, office of Security and Emergency Preparedness -Director of the Lieutenant Governor's Rural Affairs Council 29 Governor Appointments: -One agricultural specialist from the University of Illinois -Four local farm or food product farmers representing different agribusiness sectors, including, but not limited to, the dairy, meat, vegetable, and grain sectors -Four local farm or food product producers representing different flower, fruit, viticulture, aquaculture, forestry, seeds, fiber, vegetable, ornamental, or other specialty crop sectors -Two local farm or food product processors -Two local farm or food product distributors -Three representatives of not-for-profit educational organizations that specialize in supporting and expanding local farm or food product networks -One certifier of specialty local farm or food products, such as organic, naturally grown, biodynamic, Halal, or Kosher certifier -One local farm or food product consumer representative -Two representatives of farm organizations -One representative from philanthropic organization supporting the development of local farm or food products -One local farm or food product retailer -Two municipal representatives from different communities in the state actively engaged in the development of local farm or food products -Four representatives from community based organizations focusing on access to local farm or food products, including at least three minority members -One chef specializing in the preparation of locally grown foods Vacancies will be filled by the Governor


Elected by the Council Members


30 ILCS 595/15

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Kern, Seneca 02/02/2014 05/09/2013 Governor Member, local farm or food product producers representing different flower, fruit, viticulture, aquaculture, forestry, seeds, fiber, vegetable, ornamental, or other specialty crop sectors Cook
Slama, Jim 02/02/2016 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Local farm or food product consumer representative Cook
Rhodes, Harry 02/02/2017 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Farm organization Cook
Halpin, Scott 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Farm organization Grundy
Lehman, Karen 02/02/2016 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Philanthropic organization Cook
Nelson, Lavon 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Municipal representative Sangamon
Stieren, Patricia 02/02/2016 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Municipal representative Sangamon
Kenney, Dan 02/02/2017 06/10/2014 Governor Member, Community based organization Cook
Davis, Naomi 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Community based organization Cook
Williamson, Anthony 02/02/2017 06/10/2014 Governor Member, Community based organization Cook
Rose, Barbara 02/02/2017 06/10/2014 Governor Member, Not-for-profit educational organization Cook
Tameling, Hero Statute Ex-Officio, Department of Human Services, office of Security and Emergency
Bishop, Dave 02/02/2016 05/09/2013 Governor Member, local farm or food product distributors Logan
Williams, Orrin 02/02/2016 02/02/2010 Governor Member, Community based organization Cook
Lamb, Molly Jo 02/19/2014 Statute Ex-Officio, Department of Public Health
Sawicki, Marjorie 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, Certifier of specialty local farm or food products St. Clair
Connors, William 02/02/2015 02/02/2010 Governor Member, Chef- Appointee Jackson
VACANT Governor Member, Local farm or food product retailer Cook
Cooley, Crystal 02/02/2015 06/10/2014 Governor Member, local farm or food product processors
Cernauskas, Irvin 02/02/2016 02/02/2010 Governor Member, local farm or food product distributors Cook
McMahon, Therese Statute Ex-Officio, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Roth, Penny Statute Ex-Officio, Department of Human Services, office of Health and Prevention
Carson, Maggie 06/16/2014 Statute Ex-Officio, Lieutenant Governor's Rural Affairs Council
Cavanaugh-Grant, Deborah 02/02/2017 02/02/2010 Governor Member, Agricultural specialist from the University of Illinois Menard
Cleverdon, Dave 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, local farm or food product producers representing different flower, fruit, viticulture, aquaculture, forestry, seeds, fiber, vegetable, ornamental, or other specialty crop sectors Boone
Walling, Jen 02/02/2016 05/09/2013 Governor Member, not-for-profit educational organization Cook
King, Wesley 02/02/2015 05/09/2013 Governor Member, not-for-profit educational organization Sangamon
Spaulding, Thomas 02/02/2016 02/02/2010 Governor Member, local farm or food product producers representing different flower, fruit, viticulture, aquaculture, forestry, seeds, fiber, vegetable, ornamental, or other specialty crop sectors Winnebago
Becker, William 02/02/2015 02/02/2010 Governor Member, local farm or food product farmers representing different agribusiness sectors, including, but not limited to, the dairy, meat, vegetable, and grain sectors Sangamon
Bussman, Craig 02/02/2017 06/10/2014 Governor Member, local farm or food product farmers representing different agribusiness sectors, including, but not limited to, the dairy, meat, vegetable, and grain sectors Jasper
Casemmie-Cole, Johari 02/02/2016 02/02/2010 Governor Member, local farm or food product producers representing different flower, fruit, viticulture, aquaculture, forestry, seeds, fiber, vegetable, ornamental, or other specialty crop sectors Kankakee
Jenkins, Patricia 02/02/2017 05/09/2013 Governor Member, local farm or food product farmers representing different agribusiness sectors, including, but not limited to, the dairy, meat, vegetable, and grain sectors Woodford
Schilling, Kendra Statute Ex-Officio, Department of Agriculture
Hardej, Paul 02/02/2015 06/10/2014 Governor Member, local farm or food product processors Champaign
Enyia, Chimaobi 02/02/2017 01/11/2015 Governor Member, local farm or food product farmers representing different agribusiness sectors, including, but not limited to, the dairy, meat, vegetable, and grain sectors