Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Robyn Lewis, PhD

Contact Title

Policy Advisor, Division of Rehabilitation Services, IDHS

Contact E-Mail



The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois. The Task Force shall make recommendations to the General Assembly and to the Governor, including legislative proposals, regulatory changes, systems changes, and budget initiatives, that would advance employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois. The Task Force shall produce an annual report of its activities and recommendations that shall be issued no later than May 1st of each year, the first report being due no later than May 1, 2010.


Not specified.

Senate Confirmation


Party Affiliation



Members shall serve voluntarily and without compensation.


Public and State Government members, including: --Up to 15 public members appointed by the Governor (at least five of whom have a disability) who represent: -Statewide organizations that advocate for persons with physical, developmental and psychiatric disabilities, -Entities with expertise in assistive technology devices and services for persons with disabilities, -Advocates for veterans with disabilities, -Centers for independent living, -Disability services providers, -Organized labor, -Higher education, -The private sector business community, -Entities that provide employment and training services to persons with disabilities; --At least eight representatives of State Government, including: -A high-ranking member of the Governor's management team, designated by the Governor, -Representatives of each division of the Department of Human Services, designated by the Secretary of Human Services, -The Director of Healthcare and Family Services, or his or her designee, -The Director of Veterans' Affairs or his or her designee, -The Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or his or her designee, -The Director of Employment Security or his or her designee, -The Director of Central Management Services or his or her designee, -The Director of Juvenile Justice or his or her designee, -The Executive Director of the Board of Higher Education or his or her designee, -The Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Board or his or her designee; -The Executive Director of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities or his or her designee, -The State Superintendent of Education or his or her designee.


Co-chaired by the representative of the Governor and a public member chosen by the other public members of the Task Force.


20 ILCS 4095/1

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Brooks, Brion J. 05/31/2024 Governor Member Ogle
Godwin, Britney 05/17/2024 Governor Member Lake
Walters, Patricia 05/10/2024 Governor Member Vermilion
Jansen, Cheryl Statute Member, DHS - Protection and Advocacy
Blank, Katie 08/30/2024 Governor Member, Person with a disability Cook
Onwuameze, Nkechi Statute Member, IBHE Representative
Ogunyipe, Benro Statute Member, Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission
Carmody, Kathy 03/11/2016 Governor Member Cook
Lane, LaMetrice Statute Member, ISBE Representative
Milsk, Philip 02/26/2010 Governor Member Will
VACANT Governor Member, Veterans Advocate
Evans, Joshua G. 06/14/2024 Governor Member, Statewide organizations that advocates for person with physical, developmental, and psychiatric disabilities Sangamon
Khan, Mohammed 12/20/2024 Governor Member, disability services providers Cook
Haury, Shea 10/04/2024 Governor Member, Person with a disability Randolph
Saltijeral, Hugo 09/27/2024 Governor Kane
Mercer-Schleider, Kim Statute Member, ICDD Representative
Lumicao, Benjamin Evangelista 01/13/2025 Governor Co-Chair, Member Cook
VACANT Governor Member, Person with a disability Cook
Burson, Katherine Statute Member, DHS Representative
Brickey, Janene Statute Member, DHFS Representative
Gonzalez, Beatriz Statute Member, IDVA Representative
Jones, Lisa 12/09/2019 Statute Member, DCEO Representative
D'Ascenzo, Anna Statute Member, IDES Representative
Croke, Ryan 03/24/2023 Statute; Designated by Governor Governor's Representative; Co-Chair Sangamon
Cory, Melissa Statute Member, IDJJ Representative
Jbara, Ahlam Statute Member, DHS Family and Community Services
Rivera, Rafael Statute Member, DHS Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
Burke, Casey Statute Member, DHS Developmental Disabilities
Pickney, Kimberly Statute Member, DHS Rehabilitation Services
Hunter, Tasha Statute Member, CMS Representative
Weidenhamer, Alex Statute Member, ICCB Representative
Allan, Natasha Statute Member, ICCB Representative
McKinney, Darius Statute Member, DHS, DMH
Deany, Dennis Statute Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Cook
Hamer-Sinclair, Mariel Statute Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Cook
Roush, Michael Statute Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
McGleam, Christina Statue DHS – Family & Community Services Cook
VACANT Governor Member
Green, Marilyn V. 12/13/2024 Governor Member Cook