Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Secretary of Transportation

Contact E-Mail


The Secretary of Transportation shall establish and convene the Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force to develop a structured, coordinated process for early engagement of all parties to develop policies to reduce traffic fatalities to zero.



Senate Confirmation





The members of the Task Force shall include: (1) the Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary's designee, who shall serve as Chair of the Task Force; (2) the Director of State Police, or the Director's designee; (3) the Secretary of State, or the Secretary's designee; (4) the Director of Public Health, or the Director's designee; (5) a member from 3 different public universities in this State, appointed by the Governor; (6) a representative of a statewide motorcycle safety organization, appointed by the Governor; (7) a representative of a statewide motorist service membership organization, appointed by the Governor; (8) a representative of a statewide transportation advocacy organization, appointed by the Governor; (9) a representative of a bicycle safety organization, appointed by the Governor; (10) a representative of a statewide organization representing municipalities, appointed by the Governor; and (11) a representative of a statewide labor organization, appointed by the Governor.


Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary's designee


20 ILCS 2705/2705-211

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Tilahaun, Nebiyou Yonas 07/26/2024 Governor Member Member of a public university in this State DuPage
Braun, Lindsay Maurer 05/31/2024 Governor Member Member of a public university in this State Champaign
Vacant Statute Chair Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary's designee
Vacant Statute Member Director of State Police, or the Director's designee
Vacant Statute Member Secretary of State, or the Secretary's designee
Vacant Statute Member Director of Public Health, or the Director's designee
Qi, Yan 05/24/2024 Governor Member Member of a public university in this State Madison
Rector, Christopher Patrick 05/24/2024 Governor Member Representative of a statewide motorcycle safety organization Sangamon
Hart, Martha (Molly) A. 07/26/2024 Governor Member Representative of a statewide motorist service membership organization Cook
Melin, Margaret 05/31/2024 Governor Member Representative of a statewide transportation advocacy organization Cook
Vacant Governor Member Representative of a bicycle safety organization
Vacant Governor Member Representative of a statewide organization representing municipalities
McCoach, Pennie 08/16/2024 Governor Member Representative of a statewide labor organization Cook