P-20 Council

Board and Commission Details


P-20 Council

Contact Name

Mackenzie Eisen

Contact Title

Education Analyst Office of the Illinois Governor

Contact Phone


Contact E-Mail



The purpose of this council is to study and make recommendations concerning education at all levels in order to avoid fragmentation of policies, promote improved teaching and learning, and continue to cultivate and demonstrate strong accountability and efficiency.


Staggered terms expiring on July 1 of the first, second, or third calendar year following their appointments or until their successors are appointed and have qualified. Staggered terms shall be determined by lot.

Senate Confirmation



1) The Governor or designee, to serve as chairperson; 2) Four members of the General Assembly: One appointed by the Speaker of the House; one appointed by the Minority Leader of the House; one appointed by the President of the Senate; and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; 3) Six at-large members appointed by the Governor as follows a) One representative of civic leaders; b) One representative of local government; c) One representative of trade unions; d) One representative of nonprofit organizations or foundations; e) One representative of parents' organizations; and f) One education research expert; 4) Five members appointed by statewide business organizations and business trade associations; 5) Six members appointed by statewide professional organizations and associations representing pre-kindergarten through grade 20 teachers, community college faculty, and public university faculty; 6) Two members appointed by associations representing local school administrators and school board members. One of these members must be a special education administrator; 7) One member representing community colleges, appointed by the ICCC Presidents; 8) One member representing 4-year independent colleges and universities, appointed by a statewide organization representing private institutions of higher learning; 9) One member representing public 4-year universities, appointed jointly by the university presidents and chancellors; 10) Ex-officio members from the following State agencies, boards, commissions, and councils: a) State Superintendent of Education or his/her designee; b) Executive Director of the Board of Higher Education or his/her designee; c) Executive Director of the ICCB or his/her designee; d) Executive Director of the ISAC or his/her designee; e) The Co-chairpersons of the Illinois Workforce Investment Board or their designee; f) Director of DCEO or his/her designee; g) Chairperson of the Illinois Early Learning Council or his/her designee; h) President of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy or his/her designee; and i) president of an association representing educators of adult learners or his/her designee. Ex-officio members shall have no vote on the Council.


The Governor or his/her designee


105 ILCS 5/22-45

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Young, Tron 07/01/2025 07/08/2022 Statute Member, Education Organization
Small, Kimberly 07/01/2024 07/18/2023 Statute Member, School Admin/Board IASB Sangamon
Hilgendorf, Kurt 07/01/2020 09/27/2013 Member, Professional Educator Association Chicago Teachers Union Cook
Soglin, Audrey 07/01/2015 09/27/2012 Member, Professional Educator Association IEA Cook
Zarnikow, Eric Statute Ex-Officio, Executive Director, Illinois Student Assistance Commission ISAC
Rubenstein, Kevin 07/01/2018 08/30/2016 Member, Local school administrator, special education Lake Bluff 65 Lake
Meyer, Cordelia 07/01/2024 12/08/2009 Governor Member, Civic Leader Civic Committee Cook
Warfel, Linden 07/01/2018 09/09/2016 Member, University and College Member Cook
Sanders, Tony Statute Ex-Officio, Illinois State Board of Education ISBE
Durham, Brian Statute Ex-Officio, President and Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Community College Board ICCB Sangamon
Rico, John Statute Co-Chair, Illinois Workforce Innovation Board IWIB
Richards, Kristin Statute Ex-Officio, Director, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity DCEO
Glink, Phyllis Statute Ex-Officio, Co-Chair, Illinois Early Learning Council Irving Harris Foundation
Glazer, Evan Statute Ex-Officio, President, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy IMSA
VACANT Member, University and College Member
Mason, Kristin 07/01/2019 08/17/2018 Member, Professional Educator Association, University Faculty National Board Resource Center Tazewell
Ostro, Ginger Statute Ex-Officio, Executive Director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education IBHE
Ali, Rita 07/01/2025 07/29/2022 Governor Member, Local Government
Flynn, Jr., Joseph 07/01/2024 12/19/2022 Governor Member, Educational Researcher ISU Center for the Study of Education Policy DuPage
Mitchell, Judy 07/01/2017 01/11/2015 Member, Professional Educator Association, Community College Faculty Joliet Jr. College Champaign
Devaney, Patrick 07/01/2025 07/08/2022 Governor Member, Trade Union Champaign
Hartwick, Sarah 07/01/2025 05/12/2022 Member, Business Organization Illinois Manufacturer's Association Sangamon
Mahony, Daniel 07/01/2025 05/12/2022 Member, University Presidents & Chancellors Chancellor-Southern Illinois University Jackson
Freeman, Charity 07/01/2023 05/12/2022 Member, Business Organization Discovery Partners Institute Cook
Vacant Member, Business Organization Cook
Cross, Mark R. 11/15/2021 11/15/2019 Governor Member, School Admin/Board Putnam
Stalnos, Theodore 07/01/2021 06/11/2018 Member, Business Organization Calumet Area Industrial Commission Cook
Rodriguez, Matthew 07/01/2019 09/16/2016 Governor Member, Parents Organization Illinois PTA Cook
Russell, Jane 07/01/2020 10/31/2012 Member, Professional Educator Association IFT Cook
Steans, Robin 07/01/2024 10/12/2022 Governor Member, Non-profit Organization Steans Family Foundation Cook
Rezin, Sue 04/07/2021 Senate Minority Leader Member State Senator
Torres, Martin 01/01/2025 12/13/2021 Governor Chair
Faver Dias, Rep. Laura 08/06/2024 Speaker of the House Member State Representative
Lightford, Sen. Kimberly 01/08/2025 01/12/2011 President of the Senate Member State Senator
Bennett, Rep. Tom 02/07/2022 House Minority Leader Member State Representative
Nickens, Tawana Statute Ex-Officio, Education Organization, Adult Learning Parkland College
Reilly, Dr. Seamus Statute Member, Illinois Council of Community College Presidents President, Carl Sandburg College Knox