Plumbing Code Advisory Council

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Justin DeWitt

Contact Title

Acting Chief, Division of Environmental Health

Contact E-Mail

Contact Comments

Assistant to the Deputy Director, Department of Public Health


The Council advises the Department of Public Health on a minimum code of standards for plumbing, fixtures, materials, design, and installation of plumbing systems.


3 years.

Senate Confirmation



See composition




12 members, 11 appointed by Governor - 4 Illinois licensed and working plumbers - 1 registered professional engineer working in construction & design of plumbing systems - 1 elected municipal official - 1 licensed architect - 2 representatives of consumer public - 2 labor representatives


Director, Department of Public Health, or designee, as chairperson Ex-Officio


225 ILCS 320/39

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Witt, Stephen 01/01/2020 11/20/2017 Governor Member, Licensed Architect Sangamon
Amaal Tokars Statute Chair, Ex-Officio Director, Department of Public Health
Burton, Felicia 01/01/2027 11/17/2023 Governor Member, Consumer Public Sangamon
Cramer, Henry 01/01/2020 11/20/2017 Governor Member, Professional Engineer Sangamon
Gurnsey, Aaron W. 12/01/2026 12/01/2023 Governor Member, Licensed Plumber Menard
Passarella, Robert 01/01/2026 06/21/2024 Governor Member, Labor Relations Lake
Doolan, Dennis 01/01/2019 05/03/2012 Governor Member, Licensed Plumber Tazewell
DeGonia, Donald 01/01/2025 12/01/2023 Governor Member, Licensed Plumber Madison
Karner, Lynn 01/01/2020 01/11/2015 Governor Member, Labor Rep. Sangamon
Vacant Governor Member, Elected Official
Potts, Beverly 01/01/2025 01/01/1996 Governor Member, Licensed Plumber Tazewell
D'Amico, John C. 01/01/2027 01/26/2024 Governor Member, Consumer Public Cook