Medicaid Managed Care Oversight Commission

Board and Commission Details

Meeting Information

​The Commission shall meet quarterly.

Contact Name

Melishia Bansa

Contact Title

Special Assistant to Director of HFS

Contact E-Mail


To evaluate the effectiveness of Illinois' managed care program.

Senate Confirmation





The Commission shall consist of one member of the Senate, appointed by the Senate President, who shall serve as co-chair. One member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall serve as co-chair. One member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. One member of the Senate, appointed by the Senate Minority Leader. One member representing the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, appointed by the Governor. One member representing the Department of Public Health, appointed by the Governor. One member representing the Department of Human Services, appointed by the Governor. One member representing the Department of Children and Family Services, appointed by the Governor. One member of a statewide association representing Medicaid managed care plans, appointed by the Governor. One member of a statewide association representing a majority of hospitals, appointed by the Governor. Two academic experts on Medicaid managed care programs, appointed by the Governor. One member of a statewide association representing primary care providers, appointed by the Governor. One member of a statewide association representing behavioral health providers, appointed by the Governor. Members representing Federally Qualified Health Centers, a long-term care association, a dental association, pharmacies, pharmacists, a developmental disability association, a Medicaid consumer advocate, a Medicaid consumer, an association representing physicians, a behavioral health association, and an association representing pediatricians, appointed by the Governor. A member of a statewide association representing only safety-net hospitals, appointed by the Governor


Senate President appointment and Speaker of the House appointment will serve as co-chairs.


305 ILCS 5/5-30.17

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Hunter, Sen. Mattie 01/08/2025 11/21/2023 Senate President Member, Co-Chair State Senator
Lilly, Camille 07/22/2021 Speaker of the House Member, Co-Chair State Representative
VACANT Minority House Leader Member State Representative
Syverson, Sen. Dave 09/15/2023 Senate Minority Leader Member State Senator
VACANT Governor Member Department of Healthcare and Family Services
VACANT Governor Member Department of Public Health
Corey, Mark 08/23/2024 Governor Member Department of Human Services
VACANT Governor Member Department of Children and Family Services
Wolf, Matthew 04/01/2022 Governor Member Member of statewide association representing Medicaid managed plans
Powell, Jordan 03/18/2022 Governor Member Member of statewide association representing a majority of hospitals
LoSasso, Anthony 03/18/2022 Governor Member Academic expert on Medicaid managed care program
Gottlieb, Joshua 04/19/2022 Governor Member Academic expert on Medicaid managed care program
Garza, Raul 03/03/2022 Governor Member Member of statewide association representing primary care providers
Sharar, David 06/10/2022 Governor Member Member of statewide association representing behavioral health providers
Idowu, Olumide 03/24/2022 Governor Member Representative of Federally Qualified Health Centers
Hartman, Charles 02/25/2022 Governor Member Representative of a long-term care association
Simon, William 03/31/2023 Governor Member Representative of a dental association
Levi, Cornetta 02/17/2023 Governor Member Representative of a pharmacy
Reynolds, Garth 03/09/2022 Governor Member Representative of pharmacists
Rucker, Marie 03/03/2023 Governor Member Representative of a development disability association
Israel, Nadeen 03/24/2022 Governor Member Medicaid consumer advocate
Carthans, Caprice 04/17/2023 Governor Member Medicaid consumer
Tanksley, Audrey 01/28/2022 Governor Member Representative of an association representing physicians
DeLoss, Gerald 03/16/2022 Governor Member Representative of a behavioral health association
Pinkwater, Jennie 03/09/2022 Governor Member Representative of an association representing pediatricians
Vacant Governor Member Member of statewide association representing only safety-net hospitals