Increasing Representation of Women in Technology Task Force

Board and Commission Details

Meeting Information

The Task Force shall meet at least quarterly. At the first meeting of the Task Force, the Task Force shall elect a chairperson from among its members.

Contact Name

Illinois Workforce Innovation Board and Illinois public college or university as providing administrative support.


The State of Illinois Office of Equity shall provide administrative and other support to the Task Force Task Force shall have the following duties: (1) subject to appropriation, collect data on the state of recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions; (2) evaluate evidence and data on recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain; (3) set goals for recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chains; (4) identify best practices for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain, such as tools for data collection and analysis and techniques to improve the number of women in technology positions; (5) recommend government policies to incentivize companies to recruit, advance, and retain women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain; and (6) establish a plan to create an oversight body to track companies' progress year-over-year on recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain, and manage use of the incentives for those companies with a positive track record.


The members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation


The Task Force shall consist of the following members: (1) one member of the Senate, appointed by the President of the Senate; (2) one member of the Senate, appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate; (3) one member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (4) one member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; (5) the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, or the Director's designee; (6) one member representing a statewide labor organization, appointed by the Governor; (7) one member representing a national laboratory that is a multi-disciplinary science and engineering research center, appointed by the Governor; (8) the Chief Equity Officer of the State of Illinois Office of Equity or the Chief Equity Officer's designee; (9) one member representing local or State economic development interests, appointed by the Governor; (10) one member representing women in technology, appointed by the Governor; (11) one member representing a technology manufacturing corporation, appointed by the Governor; (12) 4 members representing companies that have been recognized for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain in the last 3 years, appointed by the Governor; (13) one member from a community-based organization that supports women in technology, appointed by the Governor; (14) the Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion of the University of Illinois Office of the Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, or the Vice Chancellor's designee; (15) the Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Board, or the Executive Director's designee; (16) one member with knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices from an advocacy group representing women in technology, appointed by the Governor; and (17) A chairperson of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, appointed by the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, or that chairperson's designee.


One chair shall be a standing member of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, and one chair shall be selected from among members of the Task Force.


Public Act 103-0912

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
Vacant President of the Senate Member of the Senate Member
Harriss, Sen. Erica 10/25/2024 Minority Leader of the Senate Member of the Senate Member
Yang Roh, Rep. Janet 08/14/2024 Speaker of the House of Representatives Member of the House of Representatives Member
Sanalitro, Rep. Jennifer 09/12/2024 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives Member of the House of Representatives Member
Vacant Statute Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, or the Director's designee; Member
Vacant Governor Representing a statewide labor organization Member
Vacant Governor Representing a national laboratory that is a multi-disciplinary science and engineering research center Member
Vacant Statute Chief Equity Officer of the State of Illinois Office of Equity or the Chief Equity Officer's designee; Member
Vacant Governor Representing local or State economic development interests, Member
Vacant Governor Representing women in technology Member
Vacant Governor Representing a technology manufacturing corporation Member
Vacant Governor One member from a community-based organization that supports women in technology, Member
Vacant Statute Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion of the University of Illinois Office of the Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, or the Vice Chancellor's designee Member
Allan, Natasha Statute Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Board, or the Executive Director's designee Member
Vacant Governor Member with knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices from an advocacy group representing women in technology Member
Vacant Statute Chairperson of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, appointed by the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board, or that chairperson's designee. Co Chair, Member
Vacant Governor Member representing companies that have been recognized for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain in the last 3 years Member
Vacant Governor Member representing companies that have been recognized for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain in the last 3 years Member
Vacant Governor Member representing companies that have been recognized for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain in the last 3 years Member
Vacant Governor Member representing companies that have been recognized for the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women in technology positions and the corresponding management chain in the last 3 years Member