Law Enforcement Certification Review Panel, Illinois

Board and Commission Details


The purpose of the Illinois Law Enforcement Certification Review Panel is to receive and handle formal complaints from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.


The initial appointments of the Governor shall be for a period of 3 years. Their successors shall be appointed in like manner for terms to expire the first Monday of June each 3 years thereafter. All members shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualify. Vacancies shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired terms. Terms shall run regardless of whether the position is vacant.

Senate Confirmation


Party Affiliation



Members serving on the Panel shall not also serve on the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.




13 members; The Governor shall appoint 4 members: 1 person who shall be an active member from a statewide association representing State's Attorneys; and 3 persons who shall be Illinois residents who are from communities with disproportionately high instances of interaction with law enforcement, as indicated by a high need, underserved community with high rates of gun violence, unemployment, child poverty, and commitments to Illinois Department of Corrections, but who are not themselves law enforcement officers. The Attorney General shall appoint 9 members. The membership shall have racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic diversity and include the following: 2 persons who shall be active members of statewide organization representing more than 20,000 active and retired law enforcement officers; 1 person who shall be an active member of a statewide organization representing more than 3,000 active and retired law enforcement officials; one person who shall be an active member of a statewide association representing a minimum of 75 sheriffs; 1 person who shall be an active member of a statewide association representing at least 200 municipal police chiefs; two persons who shall be active members of a minority law enforcement association; one person who shall be a representative of the victims' advocacy community but shall not be a member of law enforcement; and one person who shall be a resident of Illinois and shall not be an employee of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General.


The panel shall annually elect by a simple majority vote one of its members as chairperson and one of its members as vice-chairperson.


50 ILCS 705/3.1

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
VACANT Governor Member Member from statewide association representing State's Attorneys
VACANT 01/13/2026 Governor Member Illinois resident from communities with disproportionately high instances of interactions with law enforcement
Venning, K. Troy 01/18/2025 11/18/2022 Governor Member Illinois resident from communities with disproportionately high instances of interactions with law enforcement
Henderson, Thomas 11/18/2022 Attorney General Member Member from statewide association representing more than 20,000 active and retired law enforcement officers
Pettis, Christopher 11/18/2022 Attorney General Member Member from statewide association representing more than 20,000 active and retired law enforcement officers
Heirs, Andy 11/18/2022 Attorney General Member Member from statewide association representing a minimum of 75 sheriffs
Winslow, Kenny 11/18/2022 Attorney General Member Member from statewide association representing at least 200 municipal police chiefs
Johnson, Chief Shatonya 03/23/2023 Attorney General Member Member from minority law enforcement association
Banks, Yolanda 05/16/2023 Attorney General Member Member from minority law enforcement association
Francis, Myles 04/24/2023 Attorney General Member Representative of victims' advocacy community
Hill, Katie 11/18/2022 Attorney General Member Resident of Illinois that is not an employee of the Illinois Attorney General
Carpenter, Lindzee 05/17/2023 Attorney General Member Active member of a statewide organization representing more than 3,000 active and retired law enforcement officials
Palms, Brenda 06/01/2026 01/31/2023 Governor Member Illinois resident from communities with disproportionately high instances of interactions with law enforcement Cook