Alexander-Cairo Port District

Board and Commission Details

Contact Name

Erik Z. "Zach" Gowin

Contact E-Mail


The Alexander-Cairo Port District is created as a political subdivision, body politic, and municipal corporation. The District embraces all of the area within the corporate limits of Alexander County. Territory may be annexed to the District in the manner provided in this Act. The District may sue and be sued in its corporate name, but execution shall not in any case issue against any property of the District. It may adopt a common seal and change the same at its pleasure. The Port District has the following rights and powers: (a) To issue permits. (b) To prevent or remove obstructions in navigable waters, including the removal of wrecks. (c) To locate and establish dock lines and shore or harbor lines. (d) To regulate the anchorage, moorage, and speed of water borne vessels and to establish and enforce regulations for the operation of bridges. (e) To acquire, own, construct, lease, operate, and maintain terminals, terminal facilities, and port facilities, and to fix and collect just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory charges for the use of the facilities. (f) To locate, establish, and maintain a public airport,public airports, and public airport facilities within its corporate limits or within or upon any body of water adjacent thereto, and to construct, develop, expand, extend, and improve any such airport or airport facility. (g) To operate, maintain, manage, lease, sublease, and to make and enter into contracts for the use, operation, or management of, and to provide rules and regulations for, the operation, management, or use of, any public airport or public airport facility. (h) To fix, charge, and collect reasonable rentals, tolls, fees, and charges for the use of any public airport, or any part thereof, or any public airport facility. (i) To establish, maintain, extend, and improve roadways and approaches by land, water, or air to any such airport. (j) To restrict the height of any object of natural growth or structure or structures within the vicinity of any airport. (k) To agree with the State or federal governments or with any public agency in respect to the removal and relocation of any object of natural growth, airport hazard, or any structure or building within the vicinity of any airport or within an approach and which is owned or within the control of such government or agency and to pay all or an agreed portion of the cost of the removal or relocation. (l) For the prevention of accidents. (m) To police its physical property only. (n) To enter into agreements with the corporate authorities or governing body of any other municipal corporation or any political subdivision of this State to pay the reasonable expense of services furnished by the municipal corporation or political subdivision for or on account of income producing properties of the District. (o) To enter into contracts dealing in any manner with the objects and purposes of this Act. (p) To acquire, own, lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of interests in and to real property and improvements situated thereon and in personal property necessary to fulfill the purposes of the District. (q) To designate the fiscal year for the District. (r) To engage in any activity or operation which is incidental to and in furtherance of efficient operation to accomplish the District's primary purpose. (s) To build, construct, repair, and maintain levees.


All initial appointments shall be made within 60 days after this Act takes effect. Of the 4 members initially appointed by the Governor, 2 shall be appointed for initial terms expiring June 1, 2012 and 2 shall be appointed for initial terms expiring June 1, 2013. The term of the member initially appointed by the Mayor shall expire June 1, 2013. Of the 2 members appointed by the Alexander County Board Chairperson, one shall be appointed for an initial term expiring June 1, 2012, and one shall be appointed for an initial term expiring June 1, 2013. Additional members of the Board appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly shall serve for a term expiring on June 1, 2025. At the expiration of the term of any member, his or her successor shall be appointed by the Governor, Mayor, or Alexander County Board Chairperson in like manner and with like regard to the place of residence of the appointee, as in the case of appointments for the initial terms. After the expiration of initial terms, each successor shall hold office for the term of 3 years beginning the first day of June of the year in which the term of office commences. In the case of a vacancy during the term of office of any member appointed by the Governor, the Governor shall make an appointment for the remainder of the term vacant and until a successor is appointed and qualified. In the case of a vacancy during the term of office of any member appointed by the Mayor, the Mayor shall make an appointment for the remainder of the term vacant and until a successor is appointed and qualified. In the case of a vacancy during the term of office of any member appointed by the Alexander County Board Chairperson, the Alexander County Board Chairperson shall make an appointment for the remainder of the term vacant and until a successor is appointed and qualified.

Senate Confirmation



All members of the Board shall be residents of the District, except the member with wetlands mitigation experience and the member with economic development experience do not need to be residents of the District.


Members serve without compensation, except for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Members appointed to secretary or treasurer may receive compensation.


The Governor shall appoint 6 members of the Board, including one member with wetlands mitigation experience and one member with economic development experience. The member with wetlands mitigation experience and the member with economic development experience do not need to be residents of the District. The Mayor of the City of Cairo shall appoint one member of the Board, and the chairperson of the Alexander County Board, with the advice and consent of the Alexander County Board, shall appoint 2 members of the Board.


The initial chairperson and successors shall be elected by the Board from time to time for the term of his or her office as a member of the Board.


70 ILCS 1801

Member Names

Name Member Expiration Member Since Affiliation Appointed By Position Title County
McNulty, Cynthia Jo 06/01/2022 07/07/2021 Governor Member Alexander
Simpson, Thomas Mayor of Cairo Member Alexander
Gowin, Erik 06/01/2025 11/20/2020 Alexander County Board Chair Member Alexander
Klein, Lawrence 06/01/2021 04/07/2017 Governor Chair Alexander
Vacant 06/01/2025 Governor Member Alexander
Brown, Timothy 06/01/2024 11/20/2020 Alexander County Board Chair Member Alexander
Ellis Sr., Jimmy 06/01/2024 09/27/2021 Governor Member
Vacant 06/01/2025 Governor Experience with wetlands mitigation Member
Barnett, Deborah 06/01/2025 02/23/2024 Governor Experience with economic development Member Williamson