For Appointees

As a gubernatorial appointee to a State board, commission, or task force, you are required to complete certain training programs. The first five of these trainings must be completed within 30 days of your appointment.

Once you have read and completed each of these trainings, please print, sign your name, and date the attached certificate for the corresponding training program.

Please return your executed certificates to the board support staff noted in your appointment materials, within 30 days of your appointment. Make your board support staff aware if you believe that you have completed any of the five trainings linked below during the current calendar year as you may not need to duplicate the training.

The five trainings that must be completed within 30 days are:

  1. Ethics Training Program for State Employees and Appointees
  2. Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training
  3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training
  4. LGBTQIA+ Equity and Inclusion Training
  5. Security Awareness Training

The five training certificates are:

  1. Ethics Training Program for State Employees and Appointees Certification
  2. Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training Certification
  3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Certification
  4. LGBTQIA+ Equity and Inclusion Training Certification
  5. Security Awareness Training Certification

For Board Support Staff

Beginning in 2025, the Governor’s Office (GO) began including additional information in public officer appointment materials to ensure all new gubernatorial appointees were made aware of their required trainings programs. The requirement to complete these trainings is not a new initiative. However, the GO aimed to increase training compliance and accessibility by making appointees aware of the training requirements immediately upon the filing of their appointments.

Accordingly, all introductory emails wherein the GO connects appointees to board support staff now include language on the required training programs that must be completed within 30 days of appointment.

Board support staff are responsible for working with appointees as a part of their onboarding process to ensure trainings are completed within 30 days.

Board support staff are encouraged to work with their ethics officer and agency legal counsel to discern the best process for internal monitoring of appointee training compliance. The Governor’s Office does not collect or monitor trainings for individual appointees.